Comar Commercial Aluminium Windows

Comar Aluminium Curtain Walling and Window Walling

Comar 6EFT Curtain Walling

With an extensive range of profiles and accessories, Comar 6EFT is one of the most comprehensive double glazed curtain walling ranges on the market today.

Comar 6EFT double glazing is a 50mm system that includes options for capped, 4-sided structural glazing; 2-sided structural glazing with horizontal or vertical capping and concealed vents.

For facetted curtain walls dedicated profiles allow angles from 7.5° to 165 ° to be designed, both convex or concave. A new range of high span mullion and transoms have been added to ensure Comar 6EFT curtain walling offers the highest 1x and ly capability in the UK. To create feature and accent an extensive range of cover caps are available.

Comar 9P.i Window Walling

Market research indicated that a thermally efficient future-proof facade system was required, with off-site manufacture and value engineered solutions that actively seek to reduce material content.

There are two levels of thermal performance: Standard Pi and Enhanced Pi, creating U-values between 1.6 and 1.0 for a typical grid size with opening vents. Comar 9P.i high performance framing offers two options of construction: ladder frame or mitre frame. Comar 9P.i double glazed windows are casement or Tilt and Turn and Comar 9P.i double glazed doors all hang directly from the frame, reducing the need for additional outer frames, creating a truly integrated value engineered solution. Both Comar aluminium curtain walling and Comar aluminium window walling double glazing is available from independent aluminium double glazing manufacturers and installers Hazlemere Commercial

Comar 9P.i Framing has profile widths of 80mm, 100mm or 120mm creating greater design flexibility.

2400Pa Special resistance to wind load
900Pa Water tightness
600Pa Air tightness
Comar 9P.i Casement Tilt and Turn PAS24:2012
Comar 9P.i Door BSEN 1627 Level 3
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